Alice Cash is the Social Media Manager for Jubilance and struggled for over a month with COVID-19.  She’s telling her story this week to open up the dialogue about the virus.

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Alice: Well, thank you so much for watching this everyone. I just wanted to talk a little bit about my experience. I have COVID, it’s still not gone, it’s day 25 right now and I still have a fever. I feel so much better than I did before but it’s incredibly frustrating to still have this but what really helped me especially when it was real bad a couple weeks ago, like a week and a half ago when it got pretty bad was talking and hearing from other people that also had COVID who were around my age. I’m only– or I guess I’m 29 right now, I turned 29 last week in quarantine but to hear from other people and to know what they were experiencing because every person is a little bit different, I’m finding and hearing because I’ve had a fever for 25 days right now which is insane. But here’s my story and I hope it can help other people. We have some questions that you guys submitted and that we figured out by ourselves.

Samantha: Yeah. Just– I think the first thing that people probably wanna know about is what made you think that you had coronavirus because I mean, saying that you’ve had this 25 days, you’ve obviously– you’ve experienced this before the big peak and everything that was going in New York City where you are so how did you identify that you had corona?

Alice: Yeah. So I live in New York City. My sister, who’s interviewing me right now is in San Diego. My whole family’s in California right now which is especially hard to be on your own and to be sick and having to take care of yourself when you’re very sick. But one, I live in New York City so I was probably exposed at some point living here and then number two, I just went to Spain about a month ago now with my boyfriend, we went for a long weekend and it was completely foreign when we were there, like nothing was shut down, everything was fine, like museums were all open, there were huge crowds everywhere. We were still taking precautions using Purell everywhere we went, sometimes wearing gloves, being careful. But I was in two hot beds of coronavirus so I was in Spain and I was in New York.

And then when I got back from Spain, the day after, I started feeling weird, that’s how I would describe it. My boyfriend and I both felt like we had something sitting on our chest, it felt like a small animal, just some sort of pressure here. And then as the day went by, it got worse and worse and then I checked and I had a fever of about– I think it was like a 102 at that point. And so I knew, I probably had coronavirus and I needed to self-isolate and quarantine myself.

Samantha: And this was before like, you know, it was a big deal in the United States and I would just like to reiterate that I know like what kind of person you are and you sanitize, Purell, you take all the precautions so.

Alice: I was really stressed about it.

Samantha: I mean, it shows like you can take precautions but you still like– I mean, I guess, self-isolation is the best thing right now.

Alice: Yeah. I mean, 25 days ago, my boyfriend was joking with me because he was like, “You look like a lunch lady” when I had my gloves on, I was like, “Whatever, I’m not gonna get coronavirus.” But it’s like no matter how much you can prepare and try to be safe especially if you’re living in New York City. Like It’s just a hot bed here right now.

Samantha: Yeah. And it’s gonna start rolling to the country, so everyone, no matter where you are, like us, start figuring out like what precautions you can take and really take this as seriously as you can because obviously, she’s up and out for 25 days. Like it’s crazy. Do you wanna share like what happened when you went to the hospital and your interaction? I mean, I guess it’d be different now because it’s the earlier days but I mean, I feel like you’re symptoms and your experiences with the hospital would probably match up with people in part of the country where coronavirus isn’t such a big deal at the moment.

Alice: Sure. Yeah. I’m actually very thankful that I got coronavirus early on especially living in New York. The hospitals are completely overwhelmed right now and I’m lucky to have even gotten seen, gotten in because I was so early with the virus. But I went to the  hospital day 2 when I was feeling symptoms because my breathing just got worse and worse, so I felt like that pressure on my chest and it like really felt like a small animal and then it got larger over the course of the day like, an ape or something was sitting there. And I–

Samantha: I remember you talking about how– I remember you talking about how– at first it was still a monkey, and then it was like a chimpanzee and then it was a gorilla.

Alice: Yeah.

Samantha: So that’s a good visual to think about for like what this does to your body and how you feel while you have it.

Alice: And obviously, I talk a lot, you can tell. And I like couldn’t get– I wasn’t talking to my family, I couldn’t talk to anyone just because I couldn’t breathe very well. And so it got worse and worse and so that evening, Tuesday, March 10? I think around there, that’s a real date? Or the 11th or something, I went to the hospital and so when I was there, it was at the [inaudible] front at the beginning, this had not been declared a pandemic yet and so I walked into the hospital, I had gloves on, I had a mask on because I brought that to Spain so, just put on that stuff.

Hopefully, I wouldn’t infect anyone but I went into the ER and at first, I didn’t get seen for like 10 minutes because the receptionist just was talking with friends and wouldn’t acknowledge me then I had to write down on a piece of paper what I was there for, so I wrote coronavirus in really big letters and she finally looked at it when she was done gossiping and was like, “Oh my God.” But then, she came around to get me, to grab me to go into the back and she didn’t have gloves on and she had to remind herself to put on a mask just because it was the very beginning of this whole thing.

And so what I experienced in the hospital was I went into a backroom, I was isolated in a room by myself, there were two phones on the wall and so the doctors would call me from those phones so they could talk to me and hear about my symptoms so they didn’t have to interact with me as much, so they were a lot safer. And then when they finally came into the room, they had to wear a hazmat suit to take my tests and everything. So I got tested for Influenza A, B, respiratory pathogens, they also took an X-ray of my chest to see if I had pneumonia which I luckily didn’t so I was able to be discharged from the hospital that night. And then also, they took the coronavirus test which I still haven’t gotten back, 25 days later.

Samantha: They said that it was lost. Like I mean, I know you’ve been calling about it but now, like you don’t bother them about it.

Alice: I stopped calling because there’s too many other people to worry about. I mean, I obviously have it but I guess the lab was overwhelmed and it just fell through the cracks.

Samantha: Yeah. Gosh. So and when you got back home– sorry, one second. We’re– from working from home. So when you got back home, I know that you had doctors who are checking up on you by phone and making sure like every day, right? You had someone like you know to make sure that you’re still okay.

Alice: Yeah. At the very beginning, I had people checking up on me. My insurance was great, they had a Teladoc line who would call me everyday and ask me about my symptoms, how I was feeling in getting better. And then that kind of stopped after the first week because it got too overwhelmed, I think, because of all of the patients in New York City. But I think, our question at the bottom of the screen meant that they could it is, “What is happening in New York right now?”

New York is just a hot bed and so overwhelmed. I mean I haven’t left my apartment so I’m not really sure but I know grocery stores are overwhelmed, all I hear are sirens which is just concerning and awful because the rest of the street noise is silent. But at 7pm every night, it finally sounds like New York because everyone in my apartment building and the apartment buildings around me, we all go outside or like pop our heads out of our windows and we clap for the healthcare workers at 7pm. And so like at that point, I like talk to my neighbors from upstairs like just poking our heads out but we say like it finally sounds like New York because– or else, it’s dead quiet except for ambulances.

Samantha: Yeah, I can’t imagine what that must feel like to be in a city like that and then have it to go silent.

Alice: It’s not my city. This isn’t my New York. It’s crazy.

Samantha: Yeah. I mean I can only imagine. I mean, the next question is what are you doing to feel better? What are the steps that you’ve been taking at home because I know there isn’t any kind of cure or anything for this and everyone’s kind of just taking everything that they can from all of the science that’s coming as it comes. So what have you done to make yourself feel better medically?

Alice: Yeah. And I just wanna say too, I’m not a medical professional, this is just my personal experience, what I’m personally doing to feel better and not Jubilance’s ideas at all. It’s just me as a person in what I’m doing. But I’m taking– I do take oxaloacetate every day, my Jubilance because it makes me feel better during PMS which is happening right now. Like why do I have to have my period and coronavirus? I don’t know. Like real torture.

Samantha: That’s happening.

Alice: But so, my Jubilance, I’m also taking a turmeric supplement, I’m taking Tylenol to make sure that my fever is regulated. I’m also taking vitamin C every hour, a 100– no, a 1000 mg of vitamin C every hour because that was recommended by a doctor out of China.

Samantha: They were doing IV drips in China with immense amounts of vitamin C and that’s what they saw the best results with.

Alice: Yeah. So I’m taking that. I don’t know what I’m taking– I’m taking like women’s multivitamins. I’m just trying to get as much rest as possible and that’s really all I can do. But luckily, I’m feeling a little better each day, I just have this fever and a lot of fatigue so I think I’m pretty much at the end of it, 25 days later.

Samantha: Yeah. God, I hope so. Why do you still have the fever, do you know?

Alice: That’s a great question and I don’t know the answer to it and it’s driving me crazy. Like why is this not over yet? Because the typical time period and the timeline that we’ve seen by the CDC is two weeks but I’m an exception, how exciting.

Samantha: And– This isn’t one of the questions we’ve prepared beforehand but I wanted to just really quickly talk to you about because you know I’m sure a lot of people are going to be isolated and remote and they have family and stuff but what like– because you didn’t no longer– there’s no longer a doctor checking up on you, like you’ve been– like we’ve been calling to ask about your temperature and your oxygen levels and taking electrolytes and stuff so I know– I think that’s just something to put in really quickly. So even when you feel like you can’t breathe, you can check your oxygen levels and see that you are getting enough oxygen, it’s just hard to breathe.

Alice: Yeah. And that’s a question that someone wrote in with is do you think it made a difference to have an oximeter and I think it did. It definitely told me what my heart rate was which could get pretty high when I was not doing so well, just like lying around which was terrible, and also told me how much oxygen I was getting into my body which I thought was useful because at points, I think I was just having anxiety about everything. But I could look at that number and say, “Okay, I am doing okay, I’m getting a little better each day.”

Samantha: Yeah. I just thought I would throw that in when we were talking about what you’ve been doing, so–

Alice: Great.

Samantha: Great. How have you been getting supplies if you can’t leave your house?

Alice: So I’ve been doing a number of things. In New York, it’s great because you can get anything near. I’ve been ordering takeout a lot, I’ve also been ordering groceries, so you can use like different apps like FoodKick or Instacart or Prime Now to order your groceries so I’ll get those delivered and I just try and get as much as I can at one time and make different recipes as much– now I can kind of stand up and feel okay cooking a lot more so I’ll make big batches so I don’t have to cook as often and freeze them and take them out and eat it again.

Samantha: Yeah. One of the hardest things for you I know, is just when it was at the hardest part for you, you couldn’t really get up to just like use the rest room. Just to get up, you were so weak, I remember that. So just, you know, having pre-cooked meals come to you, might be a bit expensive but you’re not gonna be able to cook, it’s hard.

Alice: Yeah. And that was really important to just have snacks and food by my bed because I wasn’t eating, it was a big issue in the first weeks. I just was drinking tea and eating whatever I could scavenge and quickly eat because I didn’t have food ready for myself, or like I couldn’t. I couldn’t stand for that long and so what I did was I started putting protein bars and fruits like oranges next to my bed, like literally so I’d just bend down and grab something to make sure that I was eating.

Samantha: Yeah. Yeah. I mean, another big thing, if you can’t stand to cook when you’re sick and you’re probably like in your clothing all the time, how– what did you about laundry?

Alice: That’s a great question. It was horrible for a long time. Well first of all, I really needed new underwear so I ordered a bunch from Amazon, Amazon Basics because they have, like you can get a bunch for not that much money so I made sure I had enough underwear for like 4 weeks which is great. But then, I also just didn’t do laundry for about 3 and a half weeks. I just started doing laundry again because it’s in my building and I feel safe doing it, it’s right next door to my apartment actually. But my parents sent me like pajama t-shirts, like my dad’s old t-shirts and they sent me towels so I wouldn’t have to reuse anything because of the virus sticking to your clothes. And then I would put my laundry in trash bags so and then seal it so nothing was getting in or out.

So I didn’t put it in my laundry basket because that could be contaminated but in plastic bags. And then, when I was finally able to do my laundry, I did some today, I’d put on gloves and I’d put on a mask so I’m making sure I’m not hurting anyone else in my building and I just– I put on new gloves each time I go outside to hit a new button or to take something out, so I’m making sure that my hands are really clean and just doing my laundry how I would.

Samantha: Yeah. And I will talk more at the end because we’ll let her go back and rest because she still has a fever and everything. But I’ll talk about what we did to ship and how you can ship easier and for less money and get more for your bucks so, stick around for that after.

Alice: Oh, this was a question that we got. Sorry. Not showing up completely but you mentioned it was difficult to breathe when you went to the hospital– oh, here, oh it’s scrolling. Did they not check for pneumonia at that time or anything like that? They did check for pneumonia. As I said earlier, they did an x-ray. They also did a bunch of tests for respiratory pathogens and I tested fine for that and that’s why I was able to be released at the time and just go in self-quarantine and then check my oxygen with the oximeter.

Samantha: Let’s see.

Alice: Someone else wrote in have you had the flu, how does it compare? That’s a great question. And I was trying to think about that a lot especially during my first week of having this, because I was like, “Maybe I don’t have it. Like it’s not in America yet.” It’s not in New York at the time. But I’ve never been so wiped out. I’ve had this for 25 days, I’ve had a fever for 25 days, that’s insane. Generally, I’m a very healthy person but– and like I’ve been training to run a 5K which I was excited about to do after Easter but that’s not gonna happen. But I could not even walk to my kitchen which is like 10 steps away, because I live in a small New York apartment, without being exhausted and like having to catch my breath. And so I think that’s a big difference from this and the flu and I’m just tired. I just can’t do much of anything which is not me.

Samantha: Yeah. If you know, if you would know my sister, she is like the kind of person that can’t sit still ever. Like I will go visit and she will have me like up and like walking around New York City until like 2 in the morning and then be like, she’ll be like, “Okay, good. Now you’re gonna get a few hours of sleep and then we’re going back out.” And I’ll just be like, “No. Please let me sit down.”

Alice: This is torture.

Samantha: So this is pretty hard. So then like, this is another write up from Gabriela. Thank you so much for asking these questions, yeah, we were trying to figure out what everyone would need to know, this is really helpful. But what have you found to be most like helpful with your breathing and everything? Like, is it just because– I know– have asthma and so I know how just it’s– sometimes, just psychological of just calming yourself down because, you can get the oxygen, it just– it doesn’t feel like it.

Alice: Yeah. So Samantha and I were on Everest Base Camp like 6 years ago and it felt very similar to that of just not being able to take a whole breath. [breathes] Wow, I can do it now. But it was really helpful to have Samantha who has asthma, like kind of talk me through, “Alice, you need to breathe.” [exhales] And she also sent me like a wonderful gift that like showed you like, “Watch this flower and breathe with it as it like opened and closed.” And also, just meditating which I’ve always never done before in my life, but has been really helpful in this time. And like the app Calm or Headspace, something like that. Or even just like finding a Youtube video of a meditation has been really helpful with being able to breathe because a lot of it I think was anxiety, but then also being able to look at my oxygen levels and know, “Hey, I am okay.” I just need to relax and breathe, I’m gonna be okay.

Samantha: When you’re younger and you get diagnosed with asthma, they like send you to classes to learn how to not panic when you can’t breathe and that’s– I think that’s just a big thing that people need to understand, is that if you’re checking your oxygen levels and they’re okay, then it’s okay to calm down. If you’re not checking your oxygen levels and you can’t breathe, go to hospital please. [inaudible] I’m not trying to tell you but I’m just saying that as someone who like has struggled through her life with not being to breathe, the first thing you have to do is you have to calm down and you have to understand that you are still getting air into your lungs, it just may not be as much as you usually get and you just have to settle down with it and kind of figure out, “Is this actually asthma or am I just out of breath and what are my next steps?”

Alice: And of course, neither of us are health care professionals.

Samantha: No. This is just a personal experience.

Alice: You should consult with your primary care doctor if you’re feeling that way, first of all.

Samantha: Please, please, please. A lot of things that I’m reading are saying like if you have a fever, stay home but if you cannot breathe or you’re having trouble breathing, then please go to the hospital. Please, because they have to make sure that you’re okay. So here’s this question again, just it’s so important. Please get one if you’re having problems.

Alice: If you’re able to.

Samantha: Yeah. So you are alone, so how have you been entertaining yourself basically?

Alice: I have been calling people all the time, like all hours of the day. Yeah. Facetime and Zoom has been really helpful, I’ve had a birthday party on Zoom where we played Charades with the charade app and you just have to use your arms because I was tired but I think hanging out with friends online, playing trivia online, you can play trivia online. I’ve been knitting, I’ve been working a puzzle, now that I can stand up a little bit. I’ve tried to embroidery, that didn’t work out so well and watching a lot of TV, lot of trash TV to take my mind off of this.

Samantha: Do you have a suggestion for good trash TV?

Alice: You know, I just love The Bachelor at all times. It’s so good and you don’t have to think whatsoever.

Samantha: I would like to add Love Island to that trash TV list. So good. All right. This is a thing for me because I would like to know this as well. What is the one thing that you are just so incredibly happy that you had and then what do you wish you had?

Alice: I wish I had someone to take care of me. It’s very hard when you’re very sick to have to take care of yourself and you do, I wanna urge everyone. If you get coronavirus, if some member gets it, you cannot take care of them. You just can’t. It’s so easily transmissible. I think the one thing that made my sick life better, ordering takeout because I just couldn’t even bend for myself when eating and also– yeah. I just, I love all my restaurants here in New York and I hope they all succeed.

Samantha: And just a thing for everyone if you have someone who has coronavirus and they can’t leave, we’ve been sending her– her favorite drink is bubble tea so we’ve been sending her boba drinks as much as we can. Like everyday, she gets a new one and so– it’s just– you can still kind of help take care, it just has to be from a distance which is hard for everyone. So I think we’ve already gone through, but do you have anything else about what you do to stay calm?

Alice: No, just watch trash TV, stop looking at the news. At first, I was looking at the news all the time especially when it wasn’t a pandemic because I was like, “When is this gonna be declared? Like why is or other people suffering like I am and they’re not doing anything?” But now, I just look at the news once a day and that makes me a little happier because it’s really scary.

Samantha: Yeah.

Alice: Okay. Great. Now we have a question for you.

Samantha: Surprise question for me. What am I doing at home? Well, I just got out of quarantine. Even though I’m in a house with my family, I just came back. I live overseas, I work overseas so I was in Switzerland and it was very difficult to get home. And when I finally got home, I had to be quarantined on my own house so I was up in my younger sister’s bedroom and I had my own bathroom and anytime I touched anything else on the house, I was always– I had to wear gloves, we need to wash our hands all the time, I had like specific places where I was allowed to sit which was like really far away.

It was like those funny pictures you see of like a dining room table where everyone’s on one end and then one person is sitting at the very other end. Yeah. And then just trying to entertain myself everyday. Now I– I’m out of quarantine so it’s really nice, I can touch things. I mean, we’re still very, very cautious at home. The biggest thing though– the biggest thing that I wanna talk about though is what we’re doing for Alice which is shipping things to her.

Alice: Yeah.

Samantha: She can’t get things on her own especially when we’re talking about laundry and when she couldn’t cook for herself and when she just needed like food by her bed, we needed to get her like quick and easy access to food but we couldn’t take care of her. And so the biggest thing that will probably help everyone is the US Postal. They have flat rate cost boxes. They have a medium box, a large box. I have medium box here, you know. The mediums are like– they’re 13– about 13 dollars and then the large ones are about 18 and you can ship up to 70 pounds. So you can put whatever you want in there flat rate and you can get these boxes for free and then you know we will put towels and shirts and like canned tuna– and I think we did canned ham at some point because we couldn’t get anything else. Oranges, we’re shipping lots of oranges because we live in California.

I mean, we’re– anything that we think she might need – soup, rice, sweet potatoes. I mean, just, it’s a wonderful system and then you can print out the label online because it’s a flat rate so it’s just– you don’t need to weigh in or anything, you don’t need to have a measuring scale. Print out the label online and then you can put it by your post box and then they can just come and pick it up so you don’t even have to go to the post office and put yourself at risk. You can just set it down there and then they will ship it. It’s– I mean– It’s really, really, really helped. I mean, Alice, wouldn’t you say that it’s helped a lot?

Alice: Yes. Yeah, I can’t leave my house, so–

Samantha: No, I mean.

Alice: And it’s exciting, like something is happening today. I got a post box. Like the mailman will ring the doorbell and leave it on my doorstep. Like he leaves it on my mat in my apartment building, and I’d just say, “Thank you” through the door and then I’d wait for him to leave and I’d put on my gloves and my mask and then go get my package and it’s like something is happening that day.

Samantha: Something’s happening that day. The other thing I wanna talk about because we are like– you know it’s California’s getting– it’s getting bad but it’s not as bad as New York right now so just really fast about shipping things and deliveries to your house for groceries and stuff. So if you wanna get things, a lot of stores are starting to run out of big essential items. For some reason, eggs are almost impossible to find. Everyone knows about toilet paper but paper towels, what else? Like we couldn’t even really get sugar, flour is going out because a lot of people are baking. I mean it’s just– things are getting weird. So I highly suggest you figure out how to do your local online delivery and then look at the difference in prices of delivery as well because we had one where we got it delivered and it was like really expensive to get delivered and then the other one was like 10 dollars. So, you know, so just definitely check out what the price points are at other places so you’re prepared and ready to go and as things starts to get more crazy in your areas, deliveries will probably get harder and harder to get.

So you’ll want to start thinking about making a cart and ordering it for like a couple weeks in advance because that’s when you can get it delivered and then a lot of your items will be replaced. So just you know keep that in mind when you’re planning, like how you’re going to get your meals and everything.

What we started to do, because it’s hard to get a lot of just like essentials, we’ve gone directly to local farms and if they deliver or like you know, directly to meet packaging plants and stuff, like we’re going to the stores so that we can try and get them delivered here. Wonderful. Also,, Amazon obviously. I mean they’re going crazy but because they also work through Sam’s Club, they’re able to ship a lot of their stuff. And then if there’s things that they can’t ship but you want or you need and you think that they might be out, I know like Target and Walmart and a lot of the bigger stores, they won’t hold anything for you but if you call the store and you ask, they can tell you when those shipments are coming in so you can plan to go to the store and have a better chance of getting it rather than just showing up and hoping that it will be there.

The other one, CVS and RiteAid, they have dairy and if you go early in the morning, you can get sometimes get eggs or milk and everything. I highly suggest getting like the non-refrigerated milks, like the almond milk and stuff so that you can just have those in your pantry just in case.

Alice: CVS is also doing free delivery in New York City.

Samantha: Oh, that’s wonderful.

Alice: Of prescriptions and also pharmacy items, so they’re not doing the food part but they’re doing– I got my prescription meds delivered for free.

Samantha: That just makes me so happy. The other thing is Staples. That sounds weird but they have cleaning supplies and they have snacks and toiler paper. We actually– it like, we were trying not to hoard anything, so you know, we were like, “Everyone’s buying out toiler paper. We don’t wanna take away from people. You know kind of thing.” And then, we ran out of toilet paper so we had to– we got some from Staples that just came and it’s hilarious because it’s like you know, for office buildings and parks and stuff, they’re like the huge rolls this big. You know. Just– just really funny. I really enjoyed it. So yeah, I mean, that’s basically what we’re doing. And then speaking of shipping, just to note, in case anyone’s worried, we are still shipping Jubilance. We have a lot of measures in place to make sure everything is safe and clean and all of our employees are working very hard from home.

Alice: I don’t work in shipping, just so you know.

Samantha: No. No. No, She’s social media.

Alice: Not from New York.

Samantha: No, it’s not coming from New York. Don’t worry about that. But yeah, we have from the beginning, when this started because we’ve seen how crazy it is, you know, we’ve been making sure to take all of the proper precautions so occasionally, there might be delays as we’re not going to the post office anymore and we’re waiting for the postmen to come and pick up. So if you have a late order, it might come in like a day or two later, so if this is something you cannot be without on a day, I would suggest ordering two bottles just to make sure that you have it because you know we’re doing our best on our end but you know, everything is just crazy and so you have to just like think about contingency plans for everything. So I would suggest with all your medication and all your nutritional supplements, just keep that in mind.

Alice: Well, thank you for being on, Samantha.

Samantha: I feel like we’re like the Cuomo brothers right now.

Alice: Yeah, that would be a dream.

Samantha: Like you’re the governor and I’m the CNN one.

Alice: I would be the governor, yeah.

Samantha: We all know this, Alice.

Alice: Thank you everyone who watched this. We hope we answered some of your questions. Just to reiterate, we’re not medical professionals, this is just from my experience and it was helpful for other people to– it was helpful for me to hear other people’s stories especially when I was in the thick of it, that’s when it got real bad.

Samantha: Yeah.

Alice: Which it did. But I’m on the other side and I’m hopeful and I’m hoping that this can help some of the Jubilance sisterhood, if you’re going through this or if you’re trying to figure out what’s really happening and how is this happening to someone because I’m in New York in the thick of it and–

Samantha: And you’re young, I mean you’re not the target.

Alice: I am young and I was very careful but it’s affecting everyone. So.

Samantha: Yeah.

Alice: Thank you. Bye.

Samantha: Be safe, wash your hands.

Alice: Yeah. Don’t touch your face like I did this whole time. Bye.

Samantha: Bye.

About the author

Alice Cash is the Marketing Manager for Jubilance by day and an award winning Theatre Director by night.  Leading the podcast Weekly Woman, she loves her candid conversations with women from all over the world about how they live and the amazing things they are doing to make a difference. Alice is also the editor of the bi-monthly newsletter the Jubilee, a blog dedicated to the power of female wellness especially concerning menstruation.  She’s worked in France creating theatre pieces and taught drama and filmmaking to women and children in Haiti.  She graduated from Georgetown University and holds two master degrees from NYU and The New School.  Alice has traveled to  40+ countries, including Tibet.  She is a New Yorker and can often be found in Central Park, searching out the best bubble tea, or directing a play, you never know where she’ll show up. @alicesadventuresinwonderworld
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