PMS Anxiety Relief Supplement

PMS Anxiety

PMS Anxiety

During their monthly cycle most menstruators notice that their anxiety levels rise during this time of their PMS. As our mood swings push us towards these emotional ups and downs, there are ways to understand the science behind these anxious feelings so we can better prepare for that time of the month.

Looking for a supplement to help PMS Anxiety? Shop Jubilance

What causes Anxiety during PMS?

Even now, with so much science out there, we still don’t have a clear answer on why Premenstrual Syndrome occurs prior to Menstruation. However there are several theories and new studies emerging on the subject.

THEORY 1 Hormonal Imbalances

One idea is that anxiety occurs due to Hormonal imbalances. When PMS occurs there are drops and shifts in the levels of progesterone and estrogen during the luteal phase of your cycle.

When these levels drop and rise due to hormone imbalances, this then affects the neurotransmitters in your brain including dopamine and serotonin, which are your mood regulators.

THEORY 2 Shortage of Glucose

New scientific studies show that when anxiety occurs during PMS, more glucose than normal is being sent to the cerebellum in the brain. PMS may be caused by a shortage of glucose in the cerebellum.

If there is not enough glucose (the energy) your brain can’t maintain your mood, manage your pleasure responses, or even motor functions.

So when your brain needs more glucose but isn’t getting any, or there is too much, mood swings such as anxiety tend to occur. 1

Can PMS Cause Severe Anxiety?

90% of women experience some form of PMS during their menstruating years, but for some women, PMS and the mood swings attached to it can hamper their relationships and lives. 2

The Effects of PMDD

For some women, severe anxiety occurs during the week before they start menstruating. It is unclear why PMS hits harder for some menstruators rather than others, hypotheses include that some people are more sensitive to hormone shifts due to genetics.

Severe premenstrual anxiety could be a symptom of premenstrual dysphoric disorder or PMDD. PMDD is a mood disorder that affects around 5% of menstruators. The symptoms are more severe and affect one’s daily life.

The symptoms for PMDD include:

  • Feeling tired and low on energy
  • Feelings of sadness or despair
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Binge eating
  • Severe mood swings – severe anxiety and stress
  • Lack of interest in relationships & work
  • Trouble with staying focused
  • Irritability that hurts relationships


There is also Premenstrual Exacerbation or PME. PME is related to PMDD and will happen when a preexisting condition, such as an anxiety disorder, flares up during your luteal phase of your menstrual cycle (the time when you have PMS).

The difference between PMDD and PME is that those with PME experience their disorder all month long, but it might intensify during PMS.

PMS Anxiety
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Seeking Professional Help

PMDD and PME are associated with other mental health disorders and need to be treated by a doctor. If you are feeling any of the above, make sure to make an appointment with your primary care doctor to get the help you need.

Jubilance for PMS is a nutritional supplement to relieve the psychological/behavioral symptoms of Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS). It is not intended to treat, cure or prevent any disease, including PMDD and PME.

Ways to Help Reduce PMS Effects

The good news is there are a number of ways to help reduce the effects of PMS by maintaining a healthy lifestyle and putting new science to use! Don’t worry, all of these suggestions are easy to put in place, just start off by implementing one thing at a time.

The biggest key is that you are aware that you are anxious during your cycle, so now you can better understand what to do when that anxiety strikes, or at least recognize that you’re anxious because it’s time for PMS.

Here are some ideas for how to feel less anxious during PMS:

Get sleep!

Get sleep!

You need the full eight hours, if you’re not sleeping enough it can severely impact your mental health. Try to create a routine so you’re able to go to sleep and wake up at the same time each day to get into a better rhythm with your body.



When you work out regularly, studies show that you get less severe PMS symptoms. It helps you maintain a more regular mood and to get your aggression out in healthy ways. 3



Find ways to reduce anxiety by drifting off into meditation.



Similar to Meditation, try yoga, with its breath work and relaxation techniques to get you to help control your PMS anxiety.

Healthy Diet

Healthy Diet

You hear it a lot, but eat healthy! You want to munch on all those leafy greens, nuts, and fruit to get all the nutrients you need so your body doesn’t crave the more unhealthy sugars.

Try a supplement for treating PMS

Try a supplement for treating PMS

Jubilance for PMS is the new supplement that supports reduced anxiety during your cycle.

Jubilance: A Supplement that Works to Reduce PMS Anxiety

Thanks to new strides in science, there is a supplement that helps reduce PMS anxiety called Jubilance for PMS.

Jubilance for PMS Symptoms Relief

In clinical trials, this new supplement, Jubilance for PMS improved PMS anxiety in menstruators by 51%.

During your cycle, hormone levels in some women can shift causing the brain to require more sugar or glucose than at more normal times. When the cerebellum of the brain needs extra sugar, this can cause unwanted reactions including increased anxiety, sadness, irritation, and perceived stress.

Jubilance for PMS contains only two ingredients, the active ingredient, Oxaloacetate, is found in every cell of your body in the Krebs cycle and vitamin C. In clinical trials, Jubilance helped more than 80% of the women feel better after one month.

Seeking Medical Help for Your Anxiety

Before taking any supplement, consult with your primary care doctor on adding it to your regimen.

Consult with your doctor if you experience any of the effects that may indicate PMDD or PME, they can aid you to get the help that you need.

If you feel severely anxious during your period, you may want to seek medical advice. Your doctor will be happy to help you.

Jubilance also provides relief for:

Scientific References

  1. Liu B, Wang G, Gao D, Gao F, Zhao B, Qiao M, et al. Alterations of GABA and glutamate-glutamine levels in premenstrual dysphoric disorder: a 3T proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy study. Psychiatry Res. 2015;231(1):64-70.