Are you ready for the New Year?

I know I can’t wait for a year full of new possibilities.  And let’s be real, 2024 could be the best year of the decade.

But do you ever find yourself setting resolutions and then abandoning them after a couple of weeks?  Or even a couple of days (this always goes for me when I try to give up sugar).

There are ways to create resolutions that will work for you and ways that you will stick to that New Years Resolution.  We have eleven tips to help you keep working those resolutions and to get them to work for you as opposed to torturing you into a healthier lifestyle.

Fireworks go off in the background as a metaphor for how to keep your resolutions, one idea being setting intentions.

Set Intentions, Not Necessarily Resolutions.  A resolution is so finite.  It is saying I am going to do this, I will do this or else.  But an intention is saying I will try my best, it is a more positive way to look at an idea, and you won’t beat yourself up if you don’t get there.

Fireworks go off in the background as a metaphor for how to keep your resolutions, one idea being finding a hobby.

Discover a New Hobby.  If you’re trying to break out of your shell or exercise more, why not try all sorts of new things until you find something that sticks?  You might not like a spinning class, but you may really jive with yoga.  You might not be up for the softball team but you might discover you love bowling.  Try new things to get you to the place you want to be, the end goal may be exercising more, but you’ve gotta like what you do in order to get yourself to do it.  You might want to try our meditations or listen to our weekly playlist to get you pumped for the week!

Fireworks go off in the background as a metaphor for how to keep your resolutions, one idea being facing your fears.

Face Your Fears.  Maybe there’s something you’re a little nervous about, but you can dip your toes in the water?  Maybe you can figure out a way to make the smallest amount of progress towards facing that fear.  For me, mine is getting back into the dating scene.  I went through a rough breakup over the pandemic and I am terrified to start dating again after a four year relationship.  But I’ve made my goal of finding a new partner easier by doing one thing at a time, of course just working on me, but I got my girlfriends to help me make a dating profile, and talk to one new person each day.  It makes it manageable for me.  Find your goal and take it step by step.

Fireworks go off in the background as a metaphor for how to keep your resolutions, one idea being cleaning up.

Look At Where You Live.  When you live in an organized, clean place, your life will reflect that and it will affect your happiness too.  Take some time to get your space in order (I know I need to deal with the closet where I throw things in and close the door as fast as possible).  Get it done in January and feel better about your space life.

Fireworks go off in the background as a metaphor for how to keep your resolutions, one idea being creating a routine.

Create a Routine.  When you make something a routine or a habit, you’re more likely to keep doing it.  Get a calendar out and mark off the days you did that goal so you can see it there!  I use an app called “North Star” that lets me check off my goals I’ve hit that day.  Right now I’m trying to meditate, practice yoga, and my german each day.  I can then see how I’m doing with the app and it keeps me going!

Fireworks go off in the background as a metaphor for how to keep your resolutions, one idea being finding gratitude.

Start a Gratitude Practice.  Think about what you’re grateful for in your life, maybe start making a list, or write about it each day.  When you think about what you’re grateful for, you’re more likely to keep up with your other goals because you’re happier.

Fireworks go off in the background as a metaphor for how to keep your resolutions, one idea being rewarding yourself.

Reward Yourself.  If you do something right, reward yourself!  If you make it to 30 days of your goal, go get your nails painted, or go buy that cute shirt!  Why not!?  And keep going!  If this will help you, do it.

Fireworks go off in the background as a metaphor for how to keep your resolutions, one idea is going analog.

Put The Phone Away.  You can waste so much time on your phone.  I know I had to delete tik tok because I would stare at it for hours, use your time more efficiently and stop comparing yourself on social media (better said than done, I know).  But when you put your phone away, you’re more able to live in the present.

Fireworks go off in the background as a metaphor for how to keep your resolutions, one idea being experimenting till you get it right.

Don’t Be Afraid to Experiment.  If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.  The resolution  you picked might not necessarily be the right one for you at the time.  You can mix it up, just try to keep that intentionality behind it.

Fireworks go off in the background as a metaphor for how to keep your resolutions, one idea being replacing bad habits with better ones.

Create Replacement Habits.  If you’re trying to be more healthy, a good way to start is by creating replacement habits.  Instead of that hot chocolate every morning (guilty as charged), try that great tea with hints of vanilla.  Instead of staying up until 2am, try 1am and slowly work your way down.  You’re just doing a little bit of a switch.

Fireworks go off in the background as a metaphor for how to keep your resolutions, one idea being telling people about your goals!

Tell Your Friends What You’re Doing.  Get people to back you up.  When you tell people about what you’re doing, they are there to cheer you on, and they’re also there to hold you responsible for your goals!

No matter what you pick for your New Years Resolution, we know that you can do it with these easy tips.  You got it girl!  And keep us updated on your progress, shoot an email to to let us know how it’s going!

About the author

Alice Cash is the Marketing Manager for Jubilance by day and an award winning Theatre Director by night.  Leading the podcast Weekly Woman, she loves her candid conversations with women from all over the world about how they live and the amazing things they are doing to make a difference. Alice is also the editor of the bi-monthly newsletter the Jubilee, a blog dedicated to the power of female wellness especially concerning menstruation.  She’s worked in France creating theatre pieces and taught drama and filmmaking to women and children in Haiti.  She graduated from Georgetown University and holds two master degrees from NYU and The New School.  Alice has traveled to  40+ countries, including Tibet.  She is a New Yorker and can often be found in Central Park, searching out the best bubble tea, or directing a play, you never know where she’ll show up. @alicesadventuresinwonderworld
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