When PMS comes knocking, bringing with it a whirlwind of emotions and physical discomfort, there’s a simple yet profoundly effective tool at your disposal – journaling.

In this article, we’ll explore the therapeutic practice of expressive writing and how it can become your go-to remedy for finding harmony and joy during the challenging days of PMS.

Grab a pen, open a fresh page, and let’s delve into the world of journaling joy.

  1. The Power of Pen and Paper: Unleash Your Thoughts

In the digital age, the act of putting pen to paper holds a unique magic. Journaling allows you to unload your thoughts and feelings without judgment. When PMS brings a storm of emotions, letting them flow onto the pages of your journal can be cathartic. It’s an act of self-expression that gives you the freedom to acknowledge, process, and release whatever is on your mind.

  1. Gratitude Journaling: Shifting Focus to Positivity

During PMS, negative thoughts can take center stage. Combat this by incorporating gratitude journaling into your routine. Take a few moments each day to jot down things you’re thankful for. Shifting your focus to the positive aspects of your life can be a powerful tool for improving your mood and fostering a sense of joy, even during challenging times.

  1. Emotion Exploration: Identify and Release

Expressive writing provides a safe space to explore and identify your emotions. When PMS brings a rollercoaster of feelings, take the time to journal about them. Are you feeling irritable, sad, or overwhelmed? Acknowledging and understanding your emotions through writing can help you gain clarity and release the pent-up tension, paving the way for emotional harmony.

  1. Creative Expression: Doodle, Sketch, and Scribble

Your journal is a blank canvas for creative expression. If words alone don’t capture your feelings, let your pen dance across the pages in doodles, sketches, or scribbles. The act of creative expression can be liberating, providing an outlet for emotions that might be challenging to articulate verbally. Your journal becomes a visual representation of your journey to PMS harmony.

  1. Future Self Reflection: Manifesting Positivity

Use your journal as a tool for envisioning a brighter future. Write a letter to your future self, focusing on positive aspects of your life. Envision a time beyond the challenges of PMS, and describe the joy, balance, and harmony you hope to achieve. This exercise not only provides a sense of hope but also helps you set intentions for a more positive outlook.

Journaling joy is not just about putting pen to paper; it’s a transformative practice that can bring harmony and balance during the tumultuous days of PMS. Whether you’re expressing your thoughts, cultivating gratitude, exploring emotions, embracing creative expression, or envisioning a positive future, your journal is a powerful ally on your journey to well-being. Embrace the joy of journaling, and let the pages of your notebook become a sanctuary for self-discovery, reflection, and ultimately, PMS harmony.

About the author

Shea Kushnir (she/her) is currently working as the Digital Marketing Manager for Jubilance. She is a recent Masters of Communication Graduate from Clark University. In her free time, she writes film scripts and poetry. Shea is passionate about sharing powerful stories through various types of creative media.
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