We’ve made it to spring! And a traditional Spring event has always been Spring Cleaning!

But does it feel like you’ve just done this? I feel like I’ve been constantly cleaning or reorganizing, as something to do, all year!

But even though I did my closet last year, it is a complete mess again now. In fact, I had to take a bunch of random things out of my closet the other day, to get to my printer (long story, my printer is in my closet), but I found a dress that I thought was lost, hidden under all of the stuff! My closet became a treasure trove!

This year has already been stressful enough, if you don’t want to clean, don’t do it. I’m of the firm belief that you should choose your battles right now, and if something doesn’t bring you joy, then stop doing it. But I actually love to clean, I love the sense of accomplishment when I finish, I love the feeling of having a clean home, it makes me feel good when my space is organized. So if you need some help on the spring-cleaning train, I am here to keep you from feeling too overwhelmed! Here are some ideas to enjoy the spring-cleaning process and to turn your mindset around!

Make a List. When I start to do spring cleaning, I make a list of everything that I want to accomplish, from the little things like fluffing the couch pillows, to wiping down the coffee table. Put it on the list so you can feel great when you scratch it off! And then you can see everything that you’ve accomplished!

Think of it like a Treasure Hunt. You never know what you might find! I had no idea where that dress was for about a year, I thought it was long lost! But when I found it, it was like I’d just found a new dress! Sometimes you find the strangest things! Why not make it a game with your family! When you clean out your closet, who can find the oddest item?

One thing at a time. This might be obvious, but start with one project at a time. Don’t start your closet clean out and then decide to start cleaning the rest of your bedroom. DON’T DO IT. You’ll just feel overwhelmed and frustrated. Often when I clean out my pantry, I’ll just do one shelf at a time, I might even save the rest of the shelves for another day. You don’t have to do it all at one time!

One Room At a Time. Similar to my last piece of advice, make sure to start with one room and then stick to it! Often times, I like to start with my living room (no closet). I start with the easiest room, feel great about it looking spick and span, and then move on to the next!

Organize, Organize, Organize! There’s a box for everything! I just put all my winter scarves into the scarves box. Find all kinds of containers online, or even recycle those old amazon boxes, pickle jars, or whatever you can find to make yourself more organized. If something is just sitting out, there’s a way to put it in a permanent home.

Give Yourself a Time Limit. You don’t want to clean all day! Give yourself a time limit of an hour or two on each task, you might want to actually set a timer so you stop! And then if you’re not done, finish the next day! You’ll feel overwhelmed if you clean for more than two hours!

Listen to Something! Why not try out our motivational playlist to get you in a fun mood? Or listen to an audiobook? I love listening to podcasts while I cook, it helps to make the more boring task exciting!

No matter what you do with your spring-cleaning this year, if you do anything, you did it! And doing something is great! Comment below on how you decided to clean and stay organized! I’m always looking for organization techniques!

About the author

Alice Cash is the Marketing Manager for Jubilance by day and an award winning Theatre Director by night.  Leading the podcast Weekly Woman, she loves her candid conversations with women from all over the world about how they live and the amazing things they are doing to make a difference. Alice is also the editor of the bi-monthly newsletter the Jubilee, a blog dedicated to the power of female wellness especially concerning menstruation.  She’s worked in France creating theatre pieces and taught drama and filmmaking to women and children in Haiti.  She graduated from Georgetown University and holds two master degrees from NYU and The New School.  Alice has traveled to  40+ countries, including Tibet.  She is a New Yorker and can often be found in Central Park, searching out the best bubble tea, or directing a play, you never know where she’ll show up. @alicesadventuresinwonderworld
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