I grew up spending Christmas Eve at my grandparents house with all my cousins, aunts, and uncles. I loved seeing everyone and I remember all the laughter and fun we would have.

My Uncle Tom would always give us a Santa Tracker update and my cousins and I would talk about what we hoped Santa would bring us.

Dressing up and celebrating Christmas with all of my family created so many loving memories and I miss celebrating Christmas like that. Sometimes I wish my boys could have the experience I had growing up, but I know we are making our own traditions and wonderful memories.

Ever since my husband passed away, being home for Christmas has always been very difficult. I started taking my boys on cruises or visited my mom and brothers for Christmas.  The Christmases that we are at home, have become some of our favorite moments. Our first Christmas staying home after my husband died, we got up early and opened presents and then enjoyed a charcuterie while I cooked a large honey glazed ham. When the ham was finished, each one of us had a few pieces and then I put it in a container on the countertop. I was planning on having it for dinner that night. Well, the dog ate it! Yes, our boxer, Apollo, ate an entire honey glazed Christmas ham. I had no idea what to do and I did not have a backup plan for dinner.

We got dressed because we did have plans to see a movie, and as we were leaving the house we joked that our Christmas dinner would be movie hotdogs and popcorn. But, we noticed that the Chinese restaurant next to the movie theater was open on Christmas Day! It was our first of many Christmases having a Pu Pu Platter for Christmas. And then we laughed about how life can imitate art….A Christmas Story. The dogs ate their turkey dinner and they ate at a Chinese restaurant.

My family’s Christmas traditions are nothing like a Hallmark movie. We do not have the perfect dinner with a beautifully decorated table and we do not spend it with a house full of relatives, but we spend it together and are happy that we have each other. We spend the day in pajamas, watch movies, and enjoy Chinese cuisine. Just because our traditions are not the norm, doesn’t mean they aren’t perfect, new traditions are still traditions. This is the Christmas my boys want and need and that is all that matters.

We should never compare our lives, happiness, and traditions to how others celebrate and it’s okay that my boys do not have the same experiences that I had growing up. Celebrate this beautiful season the way that makes you and your loved ones happy and have a merry Christmas.

About the author

Kellidawn is a widowed mother of three boys .  She is also a favorite of her students and is in her 24th year of teaching high school English in a suburb outside Austin, Texas.  Life is never perfect and Kellidawn shares her unique and uplifting perspective on parenting ,working and how to feel good about yourself every day.  Kellidawn holds two Masters degrees from Louisiana Tech and Lamar University.  While at Louisiana Tech she was the feature twirler and crowned Miss Tech which seems a lifetime ago from her most recent role as Little League baseball Coach.
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