It’s completely true that when you have a clean space, you feel better inside, and now is the time to get cleaning.

It’s Spring Cleaning season and we have all of the tips.

 Start with working with all the rooms.  You can start to begin to clean by doing just a overall task list of what you want to accomplish.  Do you want to just tidy up?  Do you want to organize?  Do you want to deep clean?

Be specific about where and when you want to clean.  You don’t want to tackle something that’s too much for you to do in one day, and you don’t want to get burned out from your cleaning, so try to make mini accomplishable goals.

Try starting with tasks that apply to all your rooms, and then after you’ve finished that list, move on to each specific room.

Some of these broader tasks for the whole house, you might have already been doing during this pandemic year, but check out these ideas and apply which ones work best for you.

  • Make sure to disinfect all cabinet handles, door handles, and light switches
  • Test the batteries in your smoke detectors
  • Clean all the Baseboards
  • Dust your ceiling fans and chandeliers
  • Vacuum or wash your curtains or blinds
  • Clean the windowsills
  • Clean those floors

Next start working on specific rooms in your house, start with your Bedroom, so you can feel the best in your own space first. 

  • Go through your closets and if you don’t wear it, donate it!  You can find great organizations in your community to donate unwanted goods, or if you want to make a little extra spending money, send it in to ThredUp to see if you can sell those clothes you didn’t want anyway.
  • Organize your drawers.  You know they need some help, mine are always a heap of wadded up clothing, make sure you can see everything in the drawer, try using Marie Kondo’s folding method and feel that spark of joy just by being a little more organized.
  • Wash all your linens.  Make sure everything feels squeaky clean.  There’s nothing better than getting in a freshly made bed.
  • Rotate your mattress.  This is something that I always forget to do, so use this list to help you!
  • Dust dust dust!  I have a million books in my bedroom and for some reason they are always dusty.  Grab that dust cloth and dust off everything that needs to be cleaned, or those hard to reach areas you haven’t visited in a while.

Either continue working through all the bedrooms in your house, or start on your bathroom, treat yourself first!  You’re the one who’s cleaning!

  • Organize everything in your bathroom cabinets and drawers.  There will be things that have been in there FOREVER.  Your beauty products all have expiration dates!  Take a look at the products you haven’t used and say goodbye.
  • Make sure you have Jubilance on hand.  If you’re feeling stressed about the level of deep cleaning you need to do, make sure you have your Jubilance for PMS (oaa supplement, oxaloacetate) to help with the ups and downs of emotions during this time.  And throw it in your bathroom cabinet so it’s easy to find each morning.
  • Scrub that shower and tub.  Grime really builds up!  I recommend getting an electric toothbrush to help scrub those hard to access corners and the grout.
  • Clean the toilet and the surrounding part of it, it can build up with dust, so wash it down.
  • Make sure to wash your shower curtain and bathmat, some of these can go into the washing machine.
  • Clean off those mirrors from all those fingerprints from opening and shutting the cabinet

For your living room you know what needs to be cleaned!

  • Fluff those pillows, and if you can, take off the covers and get them dry cleaned
  • Remove those pillows and vacuum under them on your couch, I have too many crumbs in mine.
  • Dust dust dust!  Make sure you continue to dust, I dust off my tv and cabinets in here, along with my lampshade.

If you have been working from home, you might have to clean up your office.

  • Clean that mouse and and your keyboard.  You can use a disinfectant wipe on your mouse, and use canned air on your keyboard.
  • Clean up that desk, get organized and pick up the stuff you don’t need.

This is just the start of your spring cleaning, but there is so much more that you can do.

About the author

Alice Cash is the Marketing Manager for Jubilance by day and an award winning Theatre Director by night.  Leading the podcast Weekly Woman, she loves her candid conversations with women from all over the world about how they live and the amazing things they are doing to make a difference. Alice is also the editor of the bi-monthly newsletter the Jubilee, a blog dedicated to the power of female wellness especially concerning menstruation.  She’s worked in France creating theatre pieces and taught drama and filmmaking to women and children in Haiti.  She graduated from Georgetown University and holds two master degrees from NYU and The New School.  Alice has traveled to  40+ countries, including Tibet.  She is a New Yorker and can often be found in Central Park, searching out the best bubble tea, or directing a play, you never know where she’ll show up. @alicesadventuresinwonderworld
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