The Six Ways to Outsmart Your PMS

Do you have trouble during that time of the month? Do you yell at your husband or cry for little to no reason? Or do you just crave constant sugar and feel crampy?

Have you tried green tea or chaste berry and just can’t see how it helps? Sure we love a good cup of tea but that doesn’t cut it when it comes to PMS. Here are some tried and tested products that can help you with all the symptoms of your PMS. Here’s all you need to use during that pmsing.


  1. For the Emotional Side… Jubilance for PMS

When you’re feeling down, or super stressed, or completely anxious during your premenstrual syndrome I love Jubilance for PMS. It’s the only clinically supported and once a day supplement that targets the emotional side of PMS. In clinical trials, women saw a significant reduction in PMS-related anxiety, gloominess, irritability and stress. This supplement has been reviewed by hundreds of women and is backed by science.


  1. To keep your cramps feeling better… Ovira

Using Pulse therapy, this device attaches to where you feel your cramps and stops your period pain. It causes your muscles to relax and to stop your cramps in their tracks.


  1. For your Period… Thinx Underwear

Our team are completely obsessed with these! Who knew that period underwear would be a thing? They’re perfect for your lighter days or a way to make sure you can still wear those summer whites during your period. They’re also super comfortable and keep you feeling confident throughout the day.


  1. Organic Tampons to treat your body better… Lola

There are so many things that we put in our body, it’s better to keep our tampons as just one ingredient as well. Lola is only made with cotton and you know everything you’re putting down there. They’re so comfortable and now that I’ve made the switch, I can never go back.


  1. For your chin acne… Farmhouse Fresh Guac Star Mask

Yep, getting acne near and under your jawline has to do with your menstrual cycle. Why not stave it off with an incredible smelling mask by Farmhouse Fresh. I’m completely in love with this brand and heard about it from my esthetician, but the masks are surprising affordable and have worked wonders on my skin.


  1. Try a Menstrual Cup… Cora’s Menstrual Cup

There are so many menstrual cups to choose from but we love this comfortable and easy to use cup. It’s great if you want to be more sustainable with your periods. There are two different sizes so you can find the one that works best for you.

About the author

Alice Cash is the Marketing Manager for Jubilance by day and an award winning Theatre Director by night.  Leading the podcast Weekly Woman, she loves her candid conversations with women from all over the world about how they live and the amazing things they are doing to make a difference. Alice is also the editor of the bi-monthly newsletter the Jubilee, a blog dedicated to the power of female wellness especially concerning menstruation.  She’s worked in France creating theatre pieces and taught drama and filmmaking to women and children in Haiti.  She graduated from Georgetown University and holds two master degrees from NYU and The New School.  Alice has traveled to  40+ countries, including Tibet.  She is a New Yorker and can often be found in Central Park, searching out the best bubble tea, or directing a play, you never know where she’ll show up. @alicesadventuresinwonderworld
Jubilance PMS Support Relief Bottle

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